Shopify Glossary ID-8422

My goal is to find a Shopify developer that I can sub occasional projects.  This specific one is to recommend, find or code a useful glossary for Shopify.

I feel like this “should” be a plugin already, but I haven’t found one.

Specific deliverables are

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  • a glossary page with all terms listed in alphabetical order
  • each term should have its own “detail” page on a separate URL.
  • each detail page should have the ability to have a header image.
  • bread crumbs


  • full Schema markup including FAQ would be a plus

I know how to make this “manually” with store pages but it would be a pain to maintain. I looked at Common Ninja, but that is hosted remote and the glossary detail pages open in a modal window, not a separate URL.

Anyway, if you have a solution I will pay for the consulting hour to go over it.  If you seem like I match I will reach out for an estimate next time my Shopify clients need help

Shopify Glossary ID-8422

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